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g Senior Travel Site

BellaOnline's Senior Travel Editor

 E D I T O R   P I C K S  

Here are the Editor's Picks articles for the Senior Travel Site! These are the top ten articles that your Senior Travel Editor feels are most important for you to read. Enjoy!

1. Greyhound Travel Discounts
Greyhound is still offering a variety of discounted fares including advance purchase fares. Some restrictions apply. Also, the Veterans Advantage Card, Student Advantage Discount Card, and Senior Discounts.

2. Protect Yourself
When traveling, you are a stranger in a strange land, so it´s especially important to follow these tips for personal safety. Guest author Eve Carr gives us tips on protecting ourselves and our belongings when traveling.

3. Michigan's Harbor Country
Southwest Michigan is a beautiful rolling tapestry of farmland, orchards, and vineyards, scattered amongst quaint, friendly little towns situated along the shores of Lake Michigan.

4. Packing For a Trip – Thinking beyond the Wardrobe
A friend laments her inability to find a decent cup of coffee in Turkey. Another how he once found no soap in the hotel bathroom. Here’s a list of handy things to pack that will ensure every trip is memorable – for all the right reasons. Guest author Janet Collins helps us pack for a trip.

5. Travel Hints For Keeping Track Of Luggage
Here are some precautions you can take to help minimize the anguish of not seeing your bag revolve around the baggage carousel at the end of your trip.

6. Renew Passport Six Months Before It Expires
When it comes to passports, some countries require that your U.S. passport be valid not only for the duration of your visit, but also for three to six months after your entry or return from their country.

7. Amtrak's USA Rail Pass
If going by train is something you’ve always wanted to try, maybe its time to look into what Amtrak has to offer, including its USA Rail Pass.

8. BC Ferries - Free Fares for Seniors
Guest author Janet Collins tells us about BC Ferries great mid-week fares for resident seniors. Seniors travel for free Mon to Thurs. What a great reason to travel! BCFerries has great info on package vacations and more.

9. The Antique Rose Emporium
Between Houston and Austin, the Antique Rose Emporium offers visitors eight acres of glorious display gardens. Restored buildings from the mid-1800s settlers homestead are surrounded by gardens of antique roses, Texas native plants, herbs, cottage gardens, and wildflowers.

10. Celebrate Florida Seafood Festival In Apalachicola
If you love fresh seafood Apalachicola Bay is famous for some of the freshest, tastiest seafood you’ll find anywhere. Each November seafood is celebrated during the Florida Seafood Festival held amid the friendly, old Florida charm of Apalachicola. The 2021 festival is Nov. 5th & 6th.

Be sure to visit the Senior Travel Archives for all the articles!


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National Parks America The Beautiful Senior Pass

Northern California's Lava Beds National Monument

Rest, Relax, and Rejuvenate in Eureka Springs

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